19 March 2024

Securing Sustainability: Strengthening the Resilience of the UK Food System

Key areas of focus for this initiative include:

  1. Climate Resilience: Addressing the impacts of climate change on agricultural production, water availability, and food security. This involves developing resilient crop varieties, sustainable farming practices, and adaptive strategies to mitigate climate-related risks.
  2. Supply Chain Resilience: Enhancing the resilience of food supply chains to disruptions caused by extreme weather events, trade disruptions, and pandemics. This may involve leveraging technology for real-time monitoring, diversifying supply sources, and improving logistical efficiency.
  3. Nutritional Resilience: Ensuring equitable access to safe, nutritious, and culturally appropriate food for all segments of society. This includes addressing food poverty, promoting sustainable diets, and enhancing food literacy and education.
  4. Socioeconomic Resilience: Building resilience in rural communities, supporting small-scale producers, and addressing social inequalities in food access. This involves empo
  5. ring local food systems, promoting inclusive economic development, and fostering community resilience.
  6. Technological Innovation: Harnessing the power of emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence, blockchain, and precision agriculture to optimize food production, distribution, and traceability. This includes developing innovative solutions for food waste reduction, food safety assurance, and supply chain transparency.

The UKRI’s call for proposals invites researchers, innovators, businesses, and policymakers to collaborate on projects that address these critical areas. Successful projects will not only advance scientific knowledge but also deliver tangible benefits to society, the economy, and the environment.

As IUK confront unprecedented challenges to our food systems, the UK RI’s initiative serves as rallying cry for collective action and innovation. By working together across disciplines and sectors, IUK can build a more resilient, sustainable, and equitable food system for the UK and beyond.

For more information about the UKRI’s Strengthening the Resilience of the UK Food System initiative and how to get involved, visit their website: UKRI Food System Resilience

Are you passionate about groundbreaking research but unsure if you qualify for funding? At UKRI, IUK is dedicated to levelling the playing field and ensuring that everyone has an equal chance to contribute to scientific progress. Here’s what you need to know about eligibility for BBSRC funding:

Who Can Apply?

If you’re based at a UK research organization eligible for BBSRC funding, regardless of your discipline, you’re eligible to apply. Whether you’re a seasoned researcher with a permanent post or a fixed-term employee, you can still apply as long as your host organization pledges written support equivalent to that of a permanent employee. Your employment term should extend beyond the project duration, and there should be no conflict of interest between your commitments to UKRI and any other organization or employer.

As a project lead, you’re allowed one application, but you can participate as a co-lead in up to two applications (one as project lead and one as project co-lead). There’s no limit to the number of project co-leads per application, but each co-lead must be based at an eligible UK research organization.

Who’s Not Eligible?

If you’re not affiliated with an eligible UK institution, you can still contribute as a project partner, although you’re not eligible to apply directly for funding.

Embracing Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion

At UKRI, IUK is committed to fostering an inclusive research environment where everyone can thrive. IUK encourage applications from a diverse range of researchers and support individuals in working according to their personal circumstances. This includes accommodating career breaks, providing assistance for those with caring responsibilities, offering flexible working arrangements, and exploring alternative work patterns.

IUK believes that diversity drives innovation, and by embracing different perspectives and backgrounds, it can unlock new opportunities and tackle complex challenges more effectively.

Join IUK in Shaping the Future of Research

Your unique perspective and expertise are invaluable assets in advancing scientific knowledge. Whether you’re a seasoned researcher or just starting your journey, there’s a place for you in the vibrant community of UK research. Together, let’s push the boundaries of what’s possible and make a lasting impact on society.

What IUK is looking for

In light of recent global events, such as the pandemic and geopolitical conflicts, the need to bolster the resilience of the UK food system has become increasingly evident. The just-in-time global food system, while efficient, is susceptible to shocks that can disrupt supply chains and impact food security. To address these challenges, the UKRI is offering a funding opportunity aimed at supporting interdisciplinary research and innovation focused on enhancing the resilience of the UK food system.

Understanding the Challenges

The current UK food system is heavily reliant on imports, with 46% of food consumed in the UK being imported. This dependency makes the system vulnerable to various shocks, including pandemics, climate change, trade disruptions, and geopolitical tensions. Recent events, such as the pandemic and the Ukraine conflict, have underscored the need to address these vulnerabilities and build a more resilient food system.

Scope of the Funding Opportunity

The funding opportunity aims to address a variety of cascading risks and systemic shocks that threaten the UK food system. These risks include pandemics, extreme weather events, food safety issues, trade disruptions, and more. Projects funded under this opportunity are expected to take a food systems approach, considering the interconnectedness of actors, activities, and outcomes within the food system.

Objectives and Expected Outcomes

The primary objectives of the funding opportunity are to improve the resilience of the UK food system, develop interventions to mitigate risks, inform policy and practice, and increase interdisciplinary research capability. Expected outputs include new knowledge on cascading risks, innovative interventions, and enhanced collaboration between researchers and stakeholders. The ultimate goal is to create a more resilient UK food system capable of coping with various shocks and disruptions.

Duration and Funding

Projects funded under this opportunity will have a duration of three years and must start by September 1, 2024. The funding available for each project can be up to £1.75 million, with BBSRC funding 80% of the Full Economic Cost (FEC) up to £1.4 million.

Eligibility and Focus Areas

To be eligible for funding, projects must be interdisciplinary, take a food systems approach, consider at least two cascading risks, and collaborate with at least one stakeholder organization. Additionally, projects must demonstrate a commitment to diversity and inclusion in research activities.

Supporting Skills and Talent

Researchers are encouraged to follow the principles outlined in the Concordat to Support the Career Development of Researchers and the Technician Commitment, promoting career development and inclusivity within the research community.


The UKRI funding opportunity presents a unique chance to contribute to the resilience of the UK food system and address pressing challenges facing the nation. By fostering interdisciplinary collaboration, innovation, and stakeholder engagement, funded projects have the potential to make a significant impact on the future of food security in the UK.

For more information on the application process and eligibility criteria, visit the UKRI website.

How to apply

1. Getting Started

First things first, head over to the UKRI Funding Finder page and click on “Start application.” Confirm that you’re the project lead and proceed to sign in or create a Funding Service account. If your organization isn’t listed, shoot an email to support@funding-service.ukri.org.

2. Application Process

Once you’re logged in, start answering the questions provided in the text boxes. You can save your progress and come back later if needed. If required, upload any necessary documents following the provided instructions.

3. Deadline Reminder

Keep in mind that the deadline for application submission is March 19, 2024, at 4:00 pm UK time. Don’t miss it! Be sure to also check any internal institutional deadlines that may apply.

4. Personal Data Handling

Rest assured, your data is handled with care and in compliance with UK data protection legislation. UKRI may share your application details with DEFRA for assessment purposes.

5. Publication of Outcomes

If your application is successful, outcomes will be published on the UKRI Gateway to Research. Be prepared for some personal information to be made public.

Summary of Your Proposal

In a nutshell, your proposal should clearly outline:

  • The context and challenge your project addresses
  • Your objectives and how they align with the funding criteria
  • Potential applications and benefits to society, the economy, or the environment

Core Team

List your team members and their respective roles. Make sure to designate one individual as the project lead.

Application Questions

Address the following key areas:

  • Vision: What are your goals, and how will your work make an impact?
  • Approach: Detail your methodology and plans for knowledge dissemination.
  • Team Capability: Showcase why your team is the best fit for the project.
  • Ethics and Responsible Research: Discuss any ethical considerations.
  • Resources and Cost Justification: Justify your budget and resource needs.
  • Support from Your Organization: Provide details of your research organization’s support.
  • Project Partners: Outline contributions from any collaborating organizations.
  • Data Management and Sharing: Explain your plan for managing and sharing research data.
  • Facilities: Detail any facility requirements for your project.
  • References: List all references used in your application.

Wrapping Up

Follow these steps diligently, and you’ll be well on your way to submitting a stellar application. Remember, clarity and thoroughness are key. Good luck with your funding application journey!

How IUK will assess your application

Panel Assessment

Your application will undergo evaluation by an expert panel in a single-stage process. External reviews will not be sought, ensuring a streamlined assessment procedure. The panel will meticulously review your application’s quality against the requirements outlined in the funding opportunity.


IUK aims to complete the assessment within five months of receiving your application. This ensures a thorough review while also maintaining efficiency in the funding allocation process.


Following panel discussions, you will receive feedback on the outcome of your application. This feedback is invaluable for understanding the strengths and areas for improvement in your proposal.

Principles of Assessment

IUK adheres to the principles outlined in the San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment, recognizing the importance of research integrity in the assessment process. Our evaluation is guided by fairness, transparency, and integrity.

Sharing Data with Co-Funders

To facilitate a comprehensive assessment, IUK may share your application, including any personal information, with co-funders such as DEFRA. Rest assured that your data will be handled with utmost confidentiality and by data protection regulations.

Assessment Areas

Your application will be evaluated across several key areas:

  • Vision: Does your proposal demonstrate a clear vision and potential impact?
  • Approach: Is your methodology effective and feasible?
  • Applicant and Team Capability: Do you and your team possess the necessary expertise and skills to deliver the proposed work?
  • Ethics and Responsible Research: Have you identified and addressed any ethical considerations?
  • Resources and Cost Justification: Have you justified the budget and resource requirements for your project?

In Summary,

Understanding the assessment process is essential for preparing a compelling funding application. By aligning your proposal with the assessment criteria and emphasizing its strengths, you can increase your chances of securing funding for your research endeavours. Best of luck with your application!

How to Get Help with Your UKRI Funding Application

Are you in the midst of applying for funding through the UKRI Funding Service and find yourself in need of assistance? Whether you have questions about the application process, need guidance on proposal writing, or encounter technical issues, we’re here to help you navigate through.

Explore Grant Opportunities with Expert Guidance

Interested in learning more about this grant competition and how it can benefit your project?

Click here to book a consultation or send a message to discuss the details and explore how you can maximise your chances of success. If you’re seeking support in crafting a compelling application, our experts are here to help. Let’s collaborate to navigate the competition process and unlock new opportunities for your business.